in rāumen denken

»in rāumen denken« is a series of 30 hand-painted miniature figures, each bearing a title. the title places the human being in a spatial relationship that, in its associative ambivalence, provides information about diverse spatial productions whose origin does not lie in a physical-materialized determinacy, but rather in a thoughtfully performative mode of existence.
the title of the series proclaims that instead of thinking in delimiting categories, we should think in terms of spaces whose ephemeral boundaries are free, mediating, and negotiable.

  • der eigene raum

  • der geteilte raum

  • der unbekannte raum

  • der gestreifte raum

  • der private raum

  • der politische raum

  • der digitale raum

  • der leere raum

  • der entfernte raum

  • der akustische raum

  • der soziale raum

  • der volle raum

  • der dreidimensionale raum

  • der irritierende raum

  • der physikalische raum

  • der begrenzte raum

  • der öffentliche raum

  • der erdachte raum

  • der gekrümmte raum

  • der erwartete raum

»in zwischen rāumen« is a photographic edition of the work »in rāumen denken«. here, macro photography was used to expand the scope of the miniature sculptures to include a further level of scale, which allows for individual emotional impressions and embodies these within itself.


the handmade publication was designed and published by rāumen in düsseldorf 2023. In 121 pages the documentation shows the photographic reproduction of the work »in rāumen denken«, as well as the edition »in zwischen rāumen«.

this book is printed in a collector’s edition of 15 pieces.

unite de cohabitation